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*Neck Pain and PT


Neck pain is a common problem experienced by many people.  It can occur with or without headaches and causes a lot of pain and loss of function.  Daily activities and housework can become difficult.  Often habits such as poor posture, work environment, or stress can contribute to problems and make neck pain worse.  Sufferers may also have headaches or jaw and face pain as well. 

Types of neck pain that may benefit from conservative physical therapy treatment:

  • Whiplash: neck pain associated commonly with trauma such as a car accident or fall.
  • Cervical Radiculopathy:  neck pain with dysfunction caused by pressure on a nerve. 
  • Herniated or Bulging Disc : tear or bulge in the shock absorbing disc between the vertebral bones in the spine causing neck and arm pain and possible weakness.
  • Spondylosis or Stenosis:  pain and symptoms caused by degeneration of the cervical spine.
  • Repetitive strain injury, Posture, and Stress:   neck pain resulting from poor posture or positioning, repetitive tasks such as computer use or driving, or increased muscle tension from stress.

Conservative Physical Therapy Management of neck pain may include:

  • Modalities: such as heat and ice
  • Manual Therapy:  “hands on” treatment to improve pain and restore function and movement. 
  • Mobilization and Manipulation:  movement of a joint to improve pain and restore functional movement.
  • Therapeutic Exercise:  specific exercise to improve pain and restore functional movement. 
  • Functional Movement Training:  exercises to improve posture and movement.
  • Biofeedback:  a way of using a computer or other device to “see” and improve body functions such as muscle activity or indicators of stress.   
  • Electrical Stimulation or TENS:  used to help improve pain, inflammation, muscle spasm, muscle function, and circulation.

Here is an article on PT for neck pain.

Physical Therapists are specialists in restoring movement and function related to muscle, bone, or joint dysfunction.  They often work to improve pain and disability.  To learn more about PT or find one in your area, check out a consumer oriented site on PT here   or the main site of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) here.

*Links are given to provide a general overview of a topic and not intended to suggest complete or authoritative information on a particular subject.  The information provided is always subject to change.*

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Reader Comments (1)

Very informative post! thanks for sharing! it broadens and adds our knowledge regarding Spondylosis or Stenosis and other terms mention above which is not familiar to us.

June 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNeck Pain
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